Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100th Day

We are 100 days smarter!!
100 Day Book.

100 Day Super Hero Glasses.

100 things in our classroom list.

I am 100 days smarter writing.

Monday, January 26, 2015


The children made parachutes today and explored air pushing on the parachutes. We learned the air goes under the parachute and helps it to float.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Partner Work

The students are exploring nonfiction books with their partners.  This allows them to talk about their new learning and deepen their understanding of the texts.  Many are choosing to write about what they know.

the text.

Friday, January 16, 2015

NonFiction Readers

We started the new year studying NonFiction texts in Reading Workshop. Students are documenting and sharing their learning. There are many topics the students are interested in reading.  At this time the students are able to read-to-self for 30 minutes!


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