Friday, June 19, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Magic House Field Trip

The students had a lot of fun exploring the different jobs that they could do at the Little Village in the Magic House.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Up-Coming Dates

1. Friday, May 15th- Field Trip to Magic House. This field trip supports our last Social Studies unit called, Community Workers. Through this experience students will spend time exploring the "Town" at the Magic House and the take a class on community mapping! During the class the students will be placed into small groups. We will need 3  chaperones for this trip. Chaperones will be asked to pay the 5.75 price!
2. Field Day is Friday, May 22. Please consider volunteering your time for this special day. The PTO needs many helpers to make this day a success. You can sign up at the office. 
3. No School- Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day.
4. Last Day- Thursday, May 28th at 1 p.m.

Monday, April 20, 2015

DeMunn Park Playdate

On Friday, April 17th Mrs. Carter's class and Mrs. Goode's class went to DeMunn Park to play. The kids loved the swings and playground.

Fairy Tale Theater

On Monday, April 20 the Second Grade students performed their annual play on Fairy Tales. The first grade students have been talking about watching this performance for weeks. We had so much fun watching our friends on stage!

Amy Krouse Rosenthal

On Wednesday, April 15 famous children's author Amy Krouse Rosenthal came to talk to the students at Captain Elementary. She has written over 17 books including The OK Book, Duck! Rabbit! and
I Wish You More.  The students loved the presentation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

All Aboard!

On Thursday, April 2 our class went to the Museum of Transportation in Manchester. We had a tour of the trains and old cars. We made a wooden train and rode on one, too. Even though it rained we had so much fun. Thanks to the parents who went and helped.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome Back-Happy Spring

Welcome Back!

   hope everyone had a restful, fun, family centered spring break. I am very excited to see your sweet children. I missed them! We have a busy week ahead of us. Please look below for details about our learning.

Reading: We will start the week off by setting goals for ourselves as readers and finding just right books. We will then move into poetry! In partners, students will begin reading a variety of poetry and practice their reading fluency.  

Writing: We are going to review small moments and spend time writing about Spring Break. We will also be working on revising our stories by paying attention to punctuation and endings! Next week, we will begin writing poetry. Students will read a great deal of poetry this week and will be ready to write their own! 

Math: Tomorrow we are going to begin Chapter 12, Numbers to 40. This unit explores place value and allows students several opportunities to use cubes to build numbers in a tens and ones chart. 

Social Studies: On Tuesday we will start our Long Ago and Today unit. This unit focuses on the idea of how things change over time. We will talk about schools. homes, transportation, games, and much more. We are going to have a field trip next week(4-1) to the Transportation Museum. Please look for the permission slip to come home on Monday! Our class is allowed to bring two parent chaperones! This unit will last for about a month and we will have several opportunities for you to support our learning.
Monday- Counseling lesson
Tuesday- Art

Please email me with any questions!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Science Lab for Solids and Liquids

This week we went to the science lab for our unit on Solids and Liquids. We will go back in three weeks after the other two classes have had a turn.
Exploring the properties of solid shapes.

Building with solid shapes.

Mrs. Hwande teaching the class.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Need Students Pictures

TimeLine Project:

Dear Parents,
Please have your child bring in 6 to 7 pictures of themselves from birth to now. Students will be making a timeline with the pictures. Make sure the pictures are copies of the original pictures. Also, You can send digital pictures via email and I will print them out on the color printer at school. Students need to be able to tell one or two things about each picture.
See Example:

Friendly Letters

The students are writing friendly letters to one another. They are learning how to address letters with Dear and sign them with From or Your Friend.  Many students are asking their friends questions in the letters and asking them to write back soon!