Friday, November 21, 2014

Day of Choirs

Today we had the special treat of listening to the Choirs from Captain, Wydown Middle School, and Clayton High School.
Captain's Chorus has 130 students!

Wydown 8th Grade Students

Clayton High School Show Choir

Just the guys singing.

Just the girls singing.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Loved the Field Trip

Click, Clack, Moo was a successful performance. The students loved the singing and dancing.
You can go to performances at the Florissant Civic Center on the weekends.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Click, Clack, Moo

Click, Clack Moo

This Thursday first grade will travel to the Florissant Civic Center to see the play Click Clack Moo. This is a very fun children's book. The author, Doreen Cornin, has written several children's books. 

Please visit her website:

We are spending this week reading many of her books and getting ready for the play.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Numbers to 20

From Scenes to Series.......

Today we started our next writing unit, From Scenes to Series. Students will be writing realistic fictions stories. The characters in their stories should be experiencing a small moment. Today students began to develop their character. They were SO excited about this. See pictures below of character drawings.

Art Demo Day

       Wednesday, November 12 the students learned about the different mediums in Art, and were able to ask the artists questions about the art they create. Many of the artists are parents of children or live in the community.

"We are obsessed with Reading!"

Our students are growing in reading so much. We discuss how to become better readers with our partners. One student said she is obsessed with reading! Another said she is so proud that she finished her first chapter book. This week has been extra special with the book fair going on in the library. Many parents have been stopping by to purchase books for the upcoming holidays.