Thursday, October 23, 2014

Second Grade Patriotic Program

Today we saw the Second Grade Patriotic Program. Every Year the students sing and recite facts about America's famous places and people. We love seeing older siblings and friends perform.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Shapes all Around

Unit 5 in Math in Focus is all about shapes and patterns.

The first part of our unit is about 2 dimensional shapes:

We can sort shapes many ways.

The second part of our unit is about 3 dimensional shapes.

We can sort solid shapes many ways.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


We are continuing our science unit by studying the life cycle of plants. We planted Brassica seeds and are charting the progress every day. We have read several books on the life cycle of pumpkins. Many students can connect to the pumpkins and talk about having already gotten pumpkins for their house.
Brassica seeds are also called fast plants because they grow so fast.

We have read many books on pumpkins.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Storybook Picnic

Today was a blustery, cloudy day for the Story Book Picnic, but we braved the weather and  had fun.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


We can use the number line to help us in Subtraction. We can count back from the bigger number. 

Story Book Picnic

Captain's Annual...
Story Book Picnic for k-2 students is this Friday, October 3 starting at 11:15 a.m. We will meet on the Blacktop at 11:15 and walk to Concordia Park. Please bring a picnic blanket, lunch and books to read to your child. See you then!