Saturday, August 30, 2014

Our Mindsets Matter

We talk about having a Growth Mindset at Captain Elementary. We can do hard work, if we keep trying and learn from our mistakes. In first grade, many students have told me  that they want to read chapter books. I have told them that everyone will be able to do this if they keep working hard in reading. Just like learning to walk, talk or ride a bike, people can achieve if they work hard and LEARN from their mistakes. This attitude is something we develop in our students at Captain Elementary. It comes from our work around the book, The Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck.

Third Grade Students are learning to retrain their brain into a growth mindset.

Mrs. Taylor has read books to the classes about the brain and how it can grow.
A great book to inspire children to continue to work hard and learn from their mistakes.

Science Notebooking

We visited the science lab today to explore how to use science notebooks.  Next week we will begin our first science unit, Insects and Plants. We will use our notebooks to record our thinking. Today students received a fish to observe and record observations in notebooks. Students explored notebook aspects like; labels, title, date, picture, scientific drawings, written observations, and much more.  See pictures below!
Mrs. Hwande worked with our students to set up the Science Notebooks.
Each student got to look at his or her own fish.

Many students added color to their picture so it would be an accurate color depiction.

We sat with our learning partners.

Many students wrote what they saw about the fish and what the fish was doing.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

These past two weeks we have been working on our manners and being kind to one another. We talk about "filling someone's bucket" which means being kind to someone. If we forget, then we talk about how the other person feels- usually bad or sad. Plus, we talk about how we feel when we are not nice- usually bad or sad. Developing empathy in our students allows them to understand how the other person is feeling.
Books about Bucket Filling

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Loving First Grade

The students love being in First Grade. The really like being upstairs, having lockers and being so close to the library. On A days we have Library with Mr. Bober, our school librarian. We willbe chcking out books every week until the end of September and then they will be able to check out books whenever they need to get a new one!
Every morning we take out our homework bag and our sack lunch, if we brought one.

We keep extra clothes and a sweater in our locker.

Children can choose where they want to sit and with whom they want to sit.

The children have access to water, plastic utensils and napkins during lunch.

MR. Bober always starts with a story.

"Remember to use a shelf marker when checking out books." said Mr. Bober

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


 Everyday we go to "special" classes like Music, PE or Spanish from 1:20 to 2:20 p.m.
On C days the students will go to art for an hour at 2:20 p.m.
"I can sing it Higher"

"We can sing, sing, sing."


"Run, Run, Run. It's so much fun."

Keep It Positive!


"Uno, Dos, Tres" We can count in Spanish.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Recess and Water Bottles

The students play so hard and work so hard. Please send a water bottle for them to leave on their desk Monday through Friday. The children have been enjoying the beautiful weather these last three days.
They love recess time.

The boys are playing checkers.

The monkey bars are a favorite of the students.

School Norms

We had an assembly on Thursday to learn about or school norms. The students learned that some rules are the same for everyone at our school. Then we went back to the classroom and talked about  our class norms. The students suggested rules that they needed in order to learn. They came up with:
Listen to one another, be quiet, focus, be nice, and one person talks at a time. Next, we made a school rules sheet to help parents know our norms at Captain.
Students were excited to use their new glue sticks.

The doors open to reveal the School Norms.

Wonderful Week

We had a wonderful week getting to know each other and the new routines. The students are so kind to one another. I can tell we are going to have a great year. Enjoy the pictures of our first days together.
We always line up on the big playground before school.

We line up on 1C and say the Pledge or listen to the Quote of the Day.

We get to use linking cubes in math this year.

We are making towers of ten.

Some of us have found ways to link the cubes- top, bottom, sides.

We will read everyday.
We are learning to "Dive in and Tune Out" during reading.
We write everyday.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


I would like to welcome all students and their families to our class blog. 
I believe in constant communication between school and home. This blog will provide an avenue for us to do so. We are going to engage in many different learning adventures over the course of the year and through this blog I will share with you our experiences. Use the blog to find important information, meet our class, get a glimpse of what we are doing each day in our learning environment, and see spectacular student work showcased. I look forward to a wonderful year with you and all of the many great memories we will make together.
Mrs. Goode

Meet the Teacher

I hope to see you in our classroom on Tuesday, August 12,  at 9:00 a.m. for Meet the Teacher. This is a great time to bring in your school supplies. You may also bring an extra set of clothes to be kept in your child's locker.  As we build our community of learners, we also build a community of supplies. 

Below are the items your child should label with his or her name to keep in their desk:

  • pencil box
  • 1 eraser
  • 1 box of crayons
  • All the markers from 1 box
  • 1 glue stick
  • scissors
  • 1 plastic pocket folder
  • 1 large spiral notebook
  • headphones for the computer 
  • *We will keep many items from the first grade supply list stored to distribute throughout the year as students need.

See you Soon